About Us
More about Mohr Custom Knives and our knifemaking journey….
MOHR CUSTOM KNIVES is located in Dandridge, Tennessee at the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. Our shop can be found in deep woods of East Tennessee. We forge hand made knives, and teach knife making and bladesmithing classes.
MOHR CUSTOM KNIVES consists of father and son team, Rick and Tom Mohr. They have spent decades acquiring the skills pertaining to custom knife making and Tom began forging in 2006. He does all the forging, heat treating, grinding, shaping, polishing and designing of handles.
Most blades are hand forged on-site, using time-honored knife making techniques. Other blades are hand ground by using the stock removal method. This is done by cutting circular saw blades, band saw blades, car leaf-springs or even old files and turning these items into a work of art; a custom, handmade knife that can be used for a lifetime.
They love sharing the craft, so if you are looking for knife making classes in Tennessee or want to tackle bladesmithing, check out their schedule to book a knife making class online.
Tom is an ABS apprentice and was awarded a scholarship to Haywood Community College by the American Bladesmith Society, a scholarship awarded to only three people a year in the United States.
From trash to treasure…
Rick and Tom are conscious of cleaning up the environment, so most knives are made with recycled scrap metal, using metals with HIGH carbon content because it’s stronger and holds an edge longer than other types of metals.
All MOHR CUSTOM KNIVES are custom made, from different types of scrap metal including:
Band Saw Blades
Round Saw Mill Blades
Car Leaf Spring
Industrial Mower Blades
Railroad Spike
One of a kind….
Because all of their knives are handmade, no two blades will ever be identical. No jigs, mills or CNC machines are ever used.
Handles are made from different materials including:
Desert Ironwood
Mesquite Burl
Guards are handmade from a solid piece of Brass, Aluminum or Nickel Silver.

“Knife making isn’t just my profession, it is my way of life.”
— Tom Mohr, Bladesmith